Carlijn van der Leede's profile

Book Cover 'Berufung' (Vocation)

Book cover design for Austrian writer Michael Achleitner. His book 'Berufung' (Vocation) is about finding a job that fulfills you. Something that I also find very important as a freelance illustrator.The book cover is a visual metaphor of leaving your old career path and seizing a better opportunity that presents itself. A nice visual concept from the writer himself. 
A good book cover arouses curiosity and summarizes or hints at what the book is about. In case of more complex subjects, visual metaphors are ideal for this. These often cause interesting surrealistic images. If you're also interested in the visual enhancement of your story, I'd love to hear from you! 
Book Cover 'Berufung' (Vocation)

Book Cover 'Berufung' (Vocation)
