Advertising Copy
You see them when you're driving down the street, scrolling your feed, or flipping through your favorite magazine. I've written ad copy for a variety of applications and for nonprofits big and small. Here's a sampling.
PRC of Metro Richmond / Richmond, VA
Billboards, social media ads, radio

CREDIT Agency: Kumveka; Strategy: Suzanne Currier, Korey Rich; Creative Direction: Autumn Lunsford; Design: Haley Stonecipher; Copy: Amy Anderson
Radio ad
Northern Seminary / Lisle, IL
Social media ads

CREDIT Agency: Kumveka; Strategy: Audrey Reeves; Design: Ben Johnsonr; Copy: Amy Anderson

International Mission Board (IMB)
Print ads

CREDIT Agency: Kumveka; Strategy: Suzanne Currier; Creative Direction: Autumn Lunsford; Design: Haley Stonecipher; Copy: Amy Anderson

Our Daily Bread Ministries
Print ads

CREDIT Agency: Kumveka; Strategy: Dorothea Henry, Suzanne Currier; Creative Direction: Autumn Lunsford; Design: Ben Johnson; Copy: Amy Anderson
Advertising Copy


Advertising Copy
