+(91)9213311703 | Delhi , India | Linkedin Profile
1. Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication.
2. NSUT EAST CAMPUS, 2019 – 2023
3. CGPA till Now – 8.867 (till 3 rd Semester)
Technical Skills :- Node js, Express js , MongoDB ,Javascript , EJS(Embedded Javascript), REST API, WebSockets, C++ , HTML , CSS , Mongoose , MySQL , Sequelize
SoftSkills :- Communication skills, listening skills, time management
i. It is a color picker that allow you to check linear gradient effects, get hexadecimal color code, RGB color code, and also let you test the hexadecimal color code that you want to test.
2.Weather Web Application With Vanilla Js
i. This is a simple weather application to display weather data like temperature, relative humidity, dew point, etc., for different cities in the world.
ii. It uses technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Fetching APIs from external website.
i.This web application can help users to find various profiles on GitHub with their latest 5 repos.
ii.It uses technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Fetching APIs from external website.
i.This project aims to provide live cricket scores, ongoing and upcoming cricket matches and player stats to the user(Frontend Only with Fetch API).
i.With Node JS, MongoDB, EJS (Embedded JavaScript), Express JS, Mongoose, etc
i. With REST APIs, MongoDB, Express, Mongoose, Websockets, etc.​​​​​​​
Certifications and Work Experience
3.The Sparks Foundation Internship (Web development Intern)
Extra Curricular Activities
1.NSS, NSUT East Campus, Technical Team, Jan 2021 - Present
2.Inhouse Training Volunteer, T&P, NSUT EAST Campus, Aug 2021 - PRESENT
Resume CV

Resume CV
