Immanuel Tampubolon's profile

Trees That Lives In My Town

Trees That Lives In My Town

A Collection of Black & White Photograph of Trees
There's something magnificent and magical about trees. I always find them very big, beautiful and sometimes - frightened me. But, trees - in my own perspective are unique. Because they're shape never really the same with others - except for the leafs.

They're illogical shapes - with no rules - the branches that stands erects towards the sky. It's a symbol of growing up.
Branches which are the leading role in this photo. Not even human's modernity can beat the nature.
When I capture this photo, it's cloudy and if I'm not forgetting, it's before the rain start to pour down.
The leafs and the branches are like color painting. But the gloomy cloud adds terrifying but beautiful essence.
Actually, before I captured this photo, I saw a squirrel. But the squirrel ran too fast, so, I only succeed to captured this autumn-flavored branches.
Every time I see this photo, I feel like I'm seeing a Japanese Painting -
A very strong branch from a 100 years old trees. I really hopes that the trees still there even when I'm in my 40 years age.
Trees That Lives In My Town

Trees That Lives In My Town

A project I made to help me adding illustrations and pictures for my book. I really love Black & White pictures. They really talk more than color Read More
