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Macaw VS Parrot

Macaw Vs. Parrot – What Are The Main Differences Between Them

Macaw vs parrot needs a great discussion to differentiate them. Psittaciformes are the largest bird order and both parrots and macaws including cockatoos, and parakeets lie under this order. There are 350 species belong to this family. There are some specific features that every member holds.The claws are zygodactyl having two toes backwards and the other two facings forward.

These unique features make them different from other birds. Within this wide group, there are three more subgroups. One is Pisttacoidea, macaws, and parrots both belong to this same group despite having differences.  Before discussing macaw vs. parrot, let’s have a brief overview of parrots and macaws

There are about 400 such colourful species of parrots. The parrots are 3 to 40 inches large. They have different bills and have soft cere near nostrils. The feet are grasping type and mostly live in the form of groups. Male and female parrots are the same.
1. General Behaviour Of Parrots:

They love to eat seeds and nuts. The bulk of the menu includes fruits, nectars, and insects. They have a melodious voice. The sound range varies greatly. They can adopt diverse vocalizations. They produce short screams and sing songs as well.

Such birds also communicate with each other through different movements and sounds. These are the perfect example of social birds. These intelligent birds are capable to learn a lot. So, you can train them in the way you desire to.
Macaw VS Parrot

Macaw VS Parrot


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