Showing 8 Pictures...
Collage 1
First collage for start of first year at college to practice and get used to Adobe Photoshop.
"introduction to Photoshop" project.
Collage 2
Second collage at the start of first year at college.
"introduction to Photoshop" project.
Phesant Plucker
Can you read what the tongue twister says? :P
Made using Photoshop concentrating more on the mask tool.
"Type and Text" project.
RAF Flight Poster
First piece for second year at college.
Made after visiting the Cosford RAF Museum, made as a sample advertisement.
"Flight" project
RAF Flight Postcard
Postcard design based on the Cosford RAF museum.
"flight" project.
Sample Business Cards
Sample Business cards i made for something similar to what i want to do in the future.
Made in Illustrator.
Photo Filter
Used filters in Adobe Illustrator to create an interesting effect on a picture of myself. Used the pen tool and pathfinders to take away the background.
Mid Year Exhibition Poster
A poster i made for the art departments Mid year exhibition in Birmingham, i included the works of everyones vector images with the backgrounds took out and information on the exhibition.
Made using Photoshop.
College - CAD

College - CAD

CAD work done at college
