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MH Coldbrew, June 2020

As a Barista finding the suitable ratio and brewing the best possible coffee in that moment is the one and only challenge for me! After testing different ratios with different coffees I finally had my best coldbrew coffee! 

And here is the final product!

300 mL of coldbrew mixed with some water to soften the taste packed in black jar and a tiny gift with it which tells you more about the drink you are enjoying!

The complementary information about the drink itself is printed on the jar and varies with each production meaning that every coffee depending on the origin, variety and the process method has their own flavor notes and I test and write them down on the jar each time! 
The design and graphics and photos of the product belong to my dear Pardis Derakhshan whom helped me throughout this process and kept motivating me.
MH Coldbrew, June 2020

MH Coldbrew, June 2020

a coldbrew coffee product design
