Frost Bites 2020: Winter Performance Festival
Frost Bites is a winter theatre festival that highlights 10-12 independent local theatre performers. The festival was held at the Water Front Trust in Hamilton. The team of two other designers and myself developed an identity for the festival that included elements from the surrounding area, the use of water colour brush strokes and a cool colour palette. This combined with the excellent photography of each of the performers.

Client: Hamilton Fringe
Designers: Brandon Braithwaite, Gareth Ng, Hamzah Akbar
The Program
The book is the center of the festival. It is the hub the connects all information, so it is crucial to create a concise layout but keeping the theme intact throughout the pages. It is important to make the audience feel the sense of the festival even when reading through the program.
The Performers
Each of the key performance is represented by the colour according to the tone or theme of their show. For example, the strong colour represents bold and deep story, where lighter colour represents fun or ambiguous.
The Marketing
We made several tweaks to the key art to be adapted into ads, poster, and web banners. Such as the local promotion called Hamilton Winterfest and the social media; Facebook and Twitter.
 Promotional Banner 
The banner is the key art for the promotion across digital media. We showed the full scale of the actor to communicate the vastness of the event. Its freshness and engagement.
Frost Pass
The Frost Pass is an event long official pass to the festival. The audience does not have to buy another ticket if they wish to keep visiting the event. In other word it is a discounted ticket that goes until the end of the festival.
Thanks for the visit!
Frost Bites 2020


Frost Bites 2020
