Bodyscape is an interactive 3D printed fashion item inspired by the behavior of the human body. As the wearer moves and gyrates her body it lights up with LED lighting controlled by a gyroscope that tracks her shoulder movements. Not only a technologically advanced fashion item produced using 3D printing technology, it raises fashion to the poetic dance of light and human movement.

The aim here is twofold: firstly, Bodyscape is an attempt to explore the role of geometry in material engineering in order to create a dynamic 3D printed structure for the world of fashion using non-flexible 3D printed material of SLA printer. And, secondly, it is an attempt to create an interactive lighting system so as to amplify the performative qualities of human bodily movement, and to create an enchanting illuminated choreography of the bodily movement.

Acknowledgments & Credits:

Designer: Behnaz Farahi
Software Assistant: Samir Ghosh
Cinematographer: Kyle Smithers
Point Cloud: Yuske Fukada
Editor: Takahashi Uchida
Music: Mo H. Zareei
Performer: Cara Marie Ruetz


