Women's Tarot
As a young girl growing up in a highly catholic, third-world country, getting my first Tarot reading caused so much guilt in 14 years old me. It was primarily because of the taboo associated with it and how frowned upon it was in society—in contrast to the present day, living in the United States in a diverse and more accepting culture. Tarot has become an excellent tool for everyone's enlightenment and enjoyment of its artwork. Now I'm not only learning to do my card readings, but creating my deck.

Tarot has the power to appeal to people seeking spiritual guidance or the more objective minds seeking a tool of introspection. Every card has a general meaning, but the tarot reading encourages you to think of what these symbols mean to you personally when you look at the images on them.

With this series, I'm trying to bring the cards to life using female models as the characters, objects relevant to every card, and photo manipulation to create my interpretation of the subjects.

Alphonse Mucha's work inspires me, which led me to incorporate the flowy fabrics, flowers, and framing that emulates some of this lithograph work.

I hope you can give Women's Tarot and opportunity to reveal something about yourself when you look at the symbols in my work and explore the feminine expressions.
Women's Tarot

Women's Tarot
