1520. Instant Grocery Delivery

What do a light bulb and a banana have in common? Both can be delivered within 15-20 minutes at Manhattan. 1520 is an instant delivery service, launched in New York in the beginning of 2021. It was the second delivery service to appear in New York and the first to include Manhattan in its delivery area.

#shukadesign                    2021​​​​​​​


The last funding campaign took place this April and 1520 decided to reinvent its visual identity before starting a major outdoor advertising campaign. The brand system is flexible and easily to maximise visibility in urban and virtual environments, both in print and digital media, making it looks contemporary but not over-trendy.

The central and most expressive feature of the visual system is the cartoonish illustrations that show how the service instantly delivers all kinds of vital goods. The wide variety of the assortment is emphasised by the collage-style execution of the drawings.
creative directors → ivan vasinivan velichko
art director → sasha koltsov
lead designer → valya lazareva
motion designers → dmitry kozlyaevdaniil svetlov
photographer → natalie cohen
designed by shuka ®
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1520. Instant Grocery Delivery