Roger Saavedra's profile

Fancy Restaurant App

Fancy Restaurant is a regional restaurant located in downtown of the city. Fancy Restaurant strives to deliver the best cuisine. They offer very exclusive dishes and prices are high. Fancy Restaurant targets upper middle-class customers who lack the time to go to a restaurant but, at the same time, love to eat good cuisine at home.
Busy C-level executives lack the time necessary to go to a restaurant.
Design an app for Fancy Restaurant that allows users to easily order and pay exclusive dishes.
Problem Statement
Olivia Gomez is a busy branch manager who needs a way to easily order food from a fancy restaurant because she doesn’t have time to cook, and she loves to eat good cuisine at home every now and then.
Paper Wireframes
Taking the time to draft iterations of each screen of the app on paper ensured that the elements that made it to digital wireframes would be well-suited to address user pain points. For the home screen, I prioritized a quick and easy ordering process to help users save time.
Low-Fidelity Prototype
The low-fidelity prototype connected the primary user flow of ordering and paying a dish from a fancy restaurant, so the prototype could be used in a usability study with users.
Usability Study 1
Early designs allow for some customization, but after the usability studies, I adjusted the first and main image to show only the Specialty of the House as the main dish.
Usability Study 2
The second usability study revealed frustration with the add to order flow. I decided to relocate the button, so users can easily order the Specialty of the House.
High-Fidelity Prototype
The app makes users feel like Fancy Restaurant really cares about how to meet their needs. 

One quote from peer feedback:
“The app made it convenient to order good cuisine meals! I would definitely use this app whenever I feel like eating good cuisine at home.”
What I learned
While designing the Fancy Restaurant app, I learned that providing best customer experience is a must. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.

Contact info
UX Designer: Roger Saavedra
Fancy Restaurant App


Fancy Restaurant App
