This rebrand of LENSPEN aims to solve two of the largest problems facing LENSPEN, product line confusion and knockoff products. LENSPEN sells nearly fifty different products in their quest to eliminate fingerprints, dust, and dirt on our high tech devices. This rebrand brings all of those products under 3 strong sub-brands to prevent consumer confusion and promote brand recognition across the entire range of products. The sub brands take on the existing color coding of existing LENSPEN products, red for lenses and camera gear, blue for laptop and monitor screens, and orange for tablets and mobile devices. The main logo moves from a wordmark to a strong symbol differentiating LENSPEN products from clones and knockoffs using similar wordmarks to confuse the consumer. A full brand standards manual was created to guide further production of LENSPEN products and media to maintain strong brand values and recognition.
A product render of three of LENSPEN's most popular products updated to the new branding. Modeled, textured, and rendered in Cinema4D.


A rebrand for LENSPEN.
