The cross-sectoral project «Digital Art therapy Studio» combines digital art with classical Ukrainian music in order to achieve an art-therapeutic effect digitalize art therapy and create an innovative direction at the intersection of visual and audio art digitalize art therapy and create an innovative direction at the intersection of visual and audio art.

During the online residency “Digital Art therapy Studio” musicians and digital artists created a unique product, a series of digital works created with the participation of leading Ukrainian experts, which will not only be implemented in hospitals of Kharkiv region, but also presented to the general public and other regions, which in the future will provide a basis for development in this area and create a new direction for collaboration of artists and musicians, which will be of interest to the international community.

While working on the project, the artist focused primarily on forms borrowed from nature, therefore, the very phenomenon of murmuration (coordinated flight of a large flock of birds forming dynamic three-dimensional figures) gave impetus to the creation of this composition. Combining the movement of visual elements with the rhythm of the music, the artist tries to convey the variability and beauty in constant transformations of forms. Abstract and not illustrative manner of animation gives space for personal interpretation of what is seen and emotional immersion.

Music by Denis Panchenko

