Jennifer Heiner-Pisano's profile

Gearing Up for a Packed Fall Marathon Schedule

Since joining a New Jersey running company as retail director in 2019, Jennifer Heiner has assisted with aspects of business development and overseen daily operations at the company's four stores. Jennifer Heiner balances her professional responsibilities with membership in the New York Road Runners (NYRR) recreational running club. As part of its mission to support New Yorkers in cultivating healthy habits, NYRR offers Virtual Group Training to provide community-based motivation and guidance. Suitable for beginners and experienced runners alike, the program is guided by a professional coach and offers access to an online community of supportive runners. Each week, participants receive access to two structured workouts that are varied in their difficulty and terrain. After completing the workout, runners upload their workouts to gain precise, personalized feedback from coaches. In addition to running workouts, participants receive resources aimed at maintaining physical and mental health. An online forum invites runners to connect with coaches and fellow runners, ask questions, and share their experiences.
Now that COVID restrictions are being lifted across the country, many of the marathons that were originally scheduled for the spring have been pushed back to the Fall of 2021.  Additionally, all of the World Marathon Majors are going be run in the span of several weeks, where during normal years half are in the fall and half are in the spring. 

Berlin Marathon - September 26, 2021
London Marathon - October 3, 2021
Chicago Marathon - October 10, 2021 
Boston Marathon - October 11, 2021
Tokyo Marathon - October 17, 2021
New York City Marathon - November 7, 2021 

With a packed fall schedule, many runners are trying to make up for lost training time during the pandemic, and are signing up for a lot of shorter races to get back into the swing of racing to get ready for their big fall marathons. One good resource for finding races across the country is Running in the USA, which makes it very easy to search for races that interest you based on location, date, or distance. 
Gearing Up for a Packed Fall Marathon Schedule

Gearing Up for a Packed Fall Marathon Schedule


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