Alina Pavlova's profile

Kawartha Highline

Kawartha Highline
Documenting a small community of highliners in their element - suspended high above the ground. We went to a remote location at Kawartha Lakes in Ontario and camped there for 3 days without any connection to civilization.
*Highlining - is an extreme sport in which adventure-seeking folks traverse a narrow, springy band of rope suspended high above the ground.
It takes a lot of endurance, resilience and patience to actually stand up on that rope and 'send' it - which in highliners' slang means walking the whole highline from one end to the other.
As I watched them doing it over and over again, I couldn't help but reflect on how meditative it should be. Your mind is fully focused on one task and at the same time - if you focus too much, you might miss out on enjoying the beauty that surrounds you. The balance of tension and relaxation, the art of strengthening the grip and letting go - the metaphor of life. I guess, the nature brings up a philosopher in each of us a little. 
Sometimes, the whole day would be moody and rainy, but there's another kind of beauty in it.
And other days - spoiled us with its magic.
Taking in the last moments of our adventure.
Thank you for viewing!
portfolio: Alina Pavlova​​​​​​​
Kawartha Highline


Kawartha Highline
