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After the rain, earth hardens

After the rain, earth hardens
Japan Earthquake relief: greeting cards and a symbolic charity accessory.
A series of postcards designed to bring hope and support to the Japanese population. Each postcard shows, in both English and Japanese, the words: “After the rain, earth hardens”. These are the words of a Japanese saying which becomes a powerful message of hope for the future and a way to help people in the disaster areas in Japan. 
Three different prints convey the message through different illustrations of birds which are endowed with positive meanings and which are regarded as symbols of hope, peace and recovery.
Furoshiki is a type of traditional Japanese wrapping cloth often used to carry different types of goods. A useful and eco-friendly accessory that can be worn to spread a message of solidarity, support and hope towards the Japanese population.
Furoshiki is practical and versatile: it can be worn in any occasion by both women and men and, as shown by instructions printed on the inside of the wrapper, it can be used in multiple ways: as a bag, a scarf, a gift wrap, an interior decoration.
The design responds to environmental concern in terms of material (100% cotton) and re-usability. Furoshiki it's a traditional accessory so it can be produced using local resources to support people from the devastated area.

Project made for a competition promoted by Unesco on
Veronica G.Clarin
Giorgio Uboldi

After the rain, earth hardens

After the rain, earth hardens

A series of postcards and a furoshiki designed to bring hope and support to the Japanese population. Each illustration shows, in both English and Read More
