Scaffold Educational Hub, 1st prize at CCH

Scaffold Educational Hub

Design team:    Alhussein Ben Aly Sakr - Alaa Hamed - Alaa Hassan AlGhannam  -  Hagar Abdelhady
               90 m^2 educational unit
            Location:  Azbet al safeh

This project is the 1st prize winner at Cairo Construction Hub sponsored by the prime minister of Egypt.
The design challenge is to find design solution for a small sustainable ecological spaces 
that imposed by the Corona pandemic "COVID-19" to achieve maximum health safety for users.

the winners were selected from ninety entries from 40 Egyptians universities and private design studios from Egypt.

As the world is slowly reopening post Covid 19, easing lockdown measures, everyone is adapting to new realities. Imposing drastic adjustments to our lives, the coronavirus has introduced a new “normal”, changing our perceptions and altering our priorities. Driven towards questioning and evaluating our environment, we are constantly reacting and anticipating an unknown future. The new restrictions placed on society have been a catalyst to rethink much of what we take for granted in the built environment. The way the world has adapted to this new lifestyle may forecast new normally following the COVID-19 outbreak. It is evident that we cannot return to the world as it was before.

competition link:
Thank you

Scaffold Educational Hub, 1st prize at CCH

Scaffold Educational Hub, 1st prize at CCH
