Slava Sukhorukov's profile

Nickname logo in different styles

Nickname logo in different styles
About my nickname:
At first glance, it seems that the nickname is rather strange, but apart from the comic numbered "555", the very nickname "fantast" has a rather interesting meaning. It appeared from the Russian word "фантаст(science fiction)", translated into the Latin alphabet. the nickname indicates my desire to fantasize. And it seemed to me that I needed to make the logo as simple and understandable as possible for it, so that it could be easily transformed into different styles. An example of the possibility can be seen further:
design1 (standard) 
is already for everyone and it is so clear how it looks, since I use it everywhere
design2 (cyberpunk style)
- was created for the design of wallpaper for the desktop
design3 (candy style) 
- why not, is there anyone against it?
design4 (8 bit style) 
- well, it's too obvious
these are actually pretty simple examples. Such a logo can be depicted as you like. From a crooked example drawn with a ballpoint pen to grandiose drawings of trees lined up in one logo.
Nickname logo in different styles

Nickname logo in different styles
