Baasch "CIENIE" - XR music video

3D Motion
After Effects

Baasch "CIENIE" - XR music video 

Music video for Baasch - "CIENIE", created in XR (extended reality) production technology.

The graphics engine used during the filming and further processing is Unreal Engine. This technology allowed acceleration of the production process, and made it possible to preview the scenes during the shoot on set.

Some shots are a mix of the real image with the 3D environment created in the Unreal Engine. Other shots are 100% computer-generated. Apart from the Unreal Engine, the NOTCH VFX software was also used, what allowed us to enrich live camera images with pre-designed visual filters.


Creative concept and executive production: Piloci Studio
Client: BAASCH
XR Technology: Funky Fox Studio
Venue: Alvernia Planet
Multimedia: Visualsupport
Video Coverage: 2Vision

Piloci Studio Team:
CEO/ Art Director: Hubert Kaszycki
COO: Edyta Kopytko
Production Director: Bernard Wójcik
Creative Director: Piotr Wątroba (Królowa Lama)
Art Director: Patryk Zimończyk
Head of Motion Graphics: Amadeusz Ferduła
CG Artists: Bernard Wójcik, Severyn Bartosevych, Gregor Milewski, Viktoria Petkovic, Maciej Wojtyłko, Marta Woźniak, 
Motion Graphics Artists: Patryk Zimończyk, Amadeusz Ferduła, Anna Białek
Junior Graphic Designer: Karolina Upława 
Project management: Michalina Kulita

Funky Fox Studio Team:
Unreal Engine and Notch developer: Damian Bałdyga, Tomasz Liszkowski, Andrzej Tomaszewski

Baasch "CIENIE" - XR music video