新上市|On The Market


For the people of Taiwan, the traditional market is not just a place for buying one’s daily necessities, but exists as an embodiment of Taiwanese culture and the hustle and bustle of daily life. By bringing focus to the warm and dynamic culture of the traditional Taiwanese market, the mission of the On the Market  team is to relay the significance that these markets play into the local culture and invoke a sense of forgotten nostalgia that will preserve these precious memories made at this place for years to come.

Our team’s exhibition serves as a platform for capturing the lives and stories of the traditional market vendors and then vivaciously retelling them in order to deepen the casual observer's resonance with the daily life of this island country. We humbly invite everyone to take part in this experience of discovering what this place truly has to offer and see the world through a lens unimagined.

In the research stage, the team visited different areas to observe various markets. Information about individuals’ feelings toward the spaces was collected through every conversation in order to find the common denominator among the market goers’ memories.

Our team created four exhibition areas: Area Connection, Environmental Immersion , Spatial Reconstruction, and Form Variation. By reopening and redefining the concept of what local daily life actually is, we hope to guide the viewer to call back upon their memories of the traditional market and reawaken long-forgotten nostalgia.

Area Connection
In this area, our team begins by dissecting the items that can be seen throughout the entire market and then picking them apart part by part for observation. By enlarging and observing them and reinforcing their relationship with the space and environment, one takes the first step into imagining the hidden world of the traditional market.

Environmental Immersion
This section is a behavioral immersion experience that hopes to bring the viewer into  the processes of the market and its atmosphere. In order to accomplish this, our team routinely frequented large markets around Taipei to ask for the operation history of the vendors as well as learn the stories and tales of those who call their place a second home. By creating immersive content and accessible articles, as a team we hope to guide the reader having a deeper understanding of the vendors and the story of their lives.
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Spatial Reconstruction
In cooperation with a local vendor, our team assessed what problems may be encountered during operation. We then proceeded to address these needs with the input of the operators so that our new design could enliven the vendor’s  workspace and reflect upon the community as a whole.

Form Variation
Like a tapestry, our team took individual symbols of the market and wove them together to form an immersive experience in the form of an installation artwork piece that preserves the essence of traditional Taiwanese market culture, all the while reenforcing the product with elements of modern design in order to appeal to a broader audience.

Over the course of this project, the On the Market team has diligently observed an accumulation of the ordinary parts of daily life and produced a piece that we feel reflects the spirit of the community as a whole. Only by entering these places and hearing the stories of local people are we able to have a feel for their spirit and allow space for people to become more connected in the greater sense.
新上市 On The Market

新上市 On The Market
