Diana Merrill Osiek's profile

Utah PTA Leadership Convention 2021

Logo for 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention
One page flier to inform about upcoming Leadership Convention. This was emailed to prospective attendees to as a "save the date."
Cover of the Registration Booklet encouraging members to attend the annual Leadership Convention.
Inside page of Registration Booklet encouraging members to attend the Utah PTA Leadership Convention
Schedule page from Registration Booklet encouraging attendance at Utah PTA annual Leadership Convention
20x26 inch poster in the hallway advertising an event at the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention
Another example of an event poster at the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention
Cover for the official program of the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention. This program was praised by attendees for its colorful layouts, intuitive flow, and general ease of use for needed information for those attending the convention.
Convention Overview page of the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention program
Notes page from the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention program
One of several digital screens in the convention venue informing attendees of a convention event at the 2021 Utah PTA Leadership Convention
Utah PTA Leadership Convention 2021

Utah PTA Leadership Convention 2021
