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Exhibition design for Contemporary Symptoms

Exhibition Poster
Title  Contemporary Symptoms
Artist  Cang Xin
Curator  Angela Li
Opening Ceremony  2019 NOVEMBER 3(SUN.) 14:30 (INVITATION ONLY)
Exhibition Date  2019 NOVEMBER 3 - 2019 DECEMBER 8
Opening Hours  Tue. to Fri.  14:00  -  18:30 
Opening Hours  Sat. to Sun. 11:00  -  19:00
Organizer  ART23 Contemporary Art Gallery
Venue  ART23 No.23 Qiming 3rd Rd. Qiming Community

展览 当代症状
艺术家 苍鑫
策展人 李圳香
开幕式 2019年11月3日 周日 14:30(开幕式凭邀请函免费入场,不对外开放)
展期 2019年11月3日 - 2019年12月8日
开馆时间 周二至周五  14:00 - 18:30
开馆时间 周六至周日  11:00 - 19:00
主办方 ART23当代艺术馆
地点 广州越秀区东山口启明社区东二门启明三马路23号ART23当代艺术馆
lecture poster
With the application of the intelligent technology and internet, our traditional life style has a complete subversion. The body, mindand soul of human beings is under revolutionary change, which causes all kindsof human symptoms. For instance, Information dissimilation, mobile phonedependence, conscious shock, aphasia, amnesia, dementia, amnesia, insufficiency, hallucinations, fear of light, terrorism, minerals, mumps, 5G cancer, Wireless radiation cancer, information castration, biochemistry, internet addiction, digital-simulative dementia, logical rickets, etc.

Cang Xin was born in Inner Mongolia, China. He approaches his work as a means to promote harmonious communication with nature. His works have included bathing with lizards, adorning the clothing ofstrangers, and prostrating himself on icy glaciers: each act represents aritual of becoming the other. Most of his works are performance art. He wasmade famous by his Communication piece, a performance series where he licked various objects to become closer to them. In Another Series he would swapcloses with strangers. This Exhibition was called Contemporary Symptoms which ties in with his shamanic beliefs that all life forms are linked by the endless transmigration of souls.

With this vivid and appealing exhibition, ART23 greets all the wide and in-depth discussion with the audience. We will continually serve as a laboratory for artists to explore the dialogue between their work, timeand space. We value the interaction between our artists and the public, and champion bold exploration and experimentation within the thriving cultural industry in China and beyond.



exhibition title and preface
guide map

Cang Xin was born in 1967 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. Cang is a Beijing-based performance and conceptual artist. He entered the Tianjin Academy of Music in 1986 and began to paint in 1991. In 1993, he moved to Beijing's “East Village”, where he began a series of performances such as the Trampling Faces, the Lick series, and the Virus series.

At “East Village,” Cang joined a group of artists who were famous for their challenging performance art. One of their group performances To Add One Meter to an Unknown Mountain (1995) has since become one of the defining images of Chinese contemporary art. In his artistic practice, Cang plays the part of a “Shaman,” experiencing the world and its multifarious offerings through his bodily senses. To him, art is a way of life that sits easily with his self-conception as a modern-day shaman, heir to the nature-magic tradition of his native Mongolia.


1967年出生于中国内蒙古包头市,1986年考入天津音乐学院,1988-1989年进修于南开大学、天津美术学院。1991年开始自学绘画,直至 1993年进驻北京「东村」。「东村」时期,苍鑫逐渐成长为一名活跃国际的中国行为艺术家。同年,苍鑫分别创作出《病毒系列》、《踩脸》、《舔系列》等行为艺术作品。1995年包括苍鑫在内的北京「东村」艺术家集体创作的行为艺术作品《为无名山增高一米》横空出世,成为中国当代艺术在90年代的代表作之一而蜚声海外。苍鑫的行为作品总以一种异想天开的身体感官方式体验世间万物,将自身作为维系自然及社会的焦点。展览包括 2013年《惊雷》蒙特利尔Arsenal Montreal画廊,2011年《精神的转译》美国圣地亚哥中国文化中心,2009年《物性道场》北京C-空间,2008年《苍鑫神话》北京今日美术馆、香港十号赞善里画廊,2007年《生存的转译苍鑫个展》巴塞罗那Espace Cultural Ample,2006年《身份互换》伦敦红楼轩基金会等。
Exhibition design for Contemporary Symptoms

Exhibition design for Contemporary Symptoms
