Folktale Week 
I created these illustrations for Folktale Week- a drawing challenge hosted on Instagram. Each illustration is inspired by a different folktale from the United Kingdom. All of these illustrations are gouache paintings.
Day 1: Birth

This illustration is inspired by the folktale of ‘The Fairy Midwife and the Magic Ointment’
Day 2: Ritual

This illustration is based on Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling Competition
Day 3: Courtship

This illustration is inspired by the tale ‘The Bride of the Red Lake’
Day 4: Solstice

This illustration depicts the Winter solstice at Stonehenge 
Day 5: Harvest

This is a painting of a Corndolly
Day 6: Dance

This is an illustration inspired by Will-o’-the-Wisps
Day 7: Death

This illustration is inspired by the tale of ‘The Midsummer Oak’
Folktale Week

Folktale Week


Creative Fields