Icarus PoliTO — Branding

Icarus PoliTO is a team of students from the Polytechnic University of Turin. The team’s objective is to build unmanned airplanes and rocket models.

In 2021 the team decided to renew its logo and brand identity, which stayed the same since the group’s foundation in 2015.

The former logo's illustrative nature made it difficult to apply both online and offline. Thus, it was our priority to make the new one simple, reproducible on all mediums, and recognizable among all the other university teams.

During the early concept phase we were inspired by both  aerospace technology and nature. 
It was decided to maintain only one constraint: use a wing as a starting point. Therefore, four concepts were submitted.
After an internal survey, concept D was chosen by the majority of the team members.

Besides the logo, another priority was to give a distinct identity to every sub-team present within Icarus PoliTO. 
The solution we came up with is a series of animated icons for each team, plus an ending to place above the logotype.

Art Direction: Svyatoslav Sudakov
Visual Design: Simone Clemenzi, Lorenzo Rabottino 
Website Design: Costanza D'Arcangelis
Social Media Strategy: Aurora Liguori

Icarus PoliTO — Branding

Icarus PoliTO — Branding

Icarus PoliTO is a team of students from the Polytechnic University of Turin. The team’s objective is to build unmanned airplanes and rocket mode Read More
