Make Data Your Superpower
Wireless Social is the leading provider of WiFi to the UK’s hospitality sector.
But that’s just the start. Their innovative products translate guest data into clear insight; to help brands better understand what people really want from their venues, increasing footfall and boosting revenue.
Making data, useful
People start to panic as soon as they hear the word, ‘data’.

Our challenge was to show that Wireless Social is not about blunt numbers and statistics, but rather making a deeper, more meaningful connection with your audience. Wireless Social is an authority in their field, but a lack of clarity was holding the business back.
Making tech, human
Our first job was to reposition the brand, build a foundation to scale and differentiate from a noisy, fast-growing landscape, focused on being a business built by, for and with hospitality.

We built a stripped-back visual aesthetic that concentrated on warm, welcoming colour gradients to make things feel more human and create a tool to differentiate between products.

The new tone of voice emphasised approachability, favouring insight over data and removing any technicalities.
Making life simpler
A new website – their prime sales & marketing channel – brought this to life, with a user-friendly interface that made it easy to grasp exactly how Wireless Social can help their customers.

Benefits were split by stakeholder, in the knowledge that buying committees are broad and each department has individual challenges to solve.
Make more people, your people
This new identity was supported by a multi-platform campaign to launch the re-launch the brand that took a playful and highly relatable approach, placing humanity at the core of every interaction.
Wireless Social

Wireless Social
