At the crux of past and future lies the sincere beauty of the present.

We were tasked with designing our own tombstones while taking inspiration from Swiss design. As the physical representations of our lives on Earth that outlive us when we’ve gone, our tombstones should tell a story about who we are and our place in the world.

As a child, I had a difficult time falling asleep at night, worrying that either that my house would burn down or that involuntary breathing would fail me. My parents encouraged me to find my happy place: somewhere I would go to feel calm and at peace. I created a world in my mind that helped me find this solace and calm, not worrying about the moment when I would fall asleep or the troubles of the day, but instead resting in the serenity of the now.

My tombstone is placed on the cliff of Clare Island. It’s a small island in County Mayo, Ireland, where my dad’s family is from. The interaction with my tombstone presents to the viewer an acknowledgement of their where they came from and where they’re going, but inevitably harnesses the beauty and serenity of the now. While surrounded by what appears to be tumult, my tombstone presents a pod of security and calm. 
Happy Place

Happy Place


Creative Fields