Logo for the rock band 'The Grand Union'. This one was a lot of fun although challenging. It grew from inspiration sources such as antique circus ads and occult symbols. It has a great retro mysterious feel to it.

3 final logos were agreed on. These could be used on different application and appropriate level of detail.
Bitterstoff's music consists of pop hooks, heavy rock, synths and loops and soulful They are a multifaceted "power rock band" with a good boost of femininity and rural down-to-earthness, who play on contrasts in style and the interplay between band member backgrounds. I created this logo to represent that contrast. It's edgy and slightly aggressive but is softened by the inherent flow in the layout.
Twin River King makes depressing indie acoustic folk ballads with glitchy lo-fi samples. He wanted the logo to reflect the way the music is a combination of nature and technology. The music uses organic samples that are noisy, alive and imperfect but sampled and looped in a glitchy computerised fashion.
Band logos


Band logos
