Zirve Drive

Zirve Drive

Zirve Drive is a service offered in Zirve Package Programs, helping companies to keep their data backups. 

In this short animated movie, we wanted to express the benefits of the service. It is easy to use, speeds up the process and contributes to the environment by reducing the paper use.

In order to do so, we created two worlds: before and after Zirve Drive. Before Zirve Drive, the user is lost in paperwork in a dull environment. After he is introduced to Zirve Drive, he saves time and energy and this change is reflected on the world he lives in. Now he has a different outlook.
Agency: Efabrika
Client: Zirve Yazılım
Project Management: Alican Yavuz
Illustrations: Cihangir Öziş
Motions: Ferhat Gündoğdu
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Zirve Drive

Zirve Drive

Zirve Drive is a system that backup the data of the companies in the Zirve package programs and the files of the companies according to the date. Read More
