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Flower Font ( a magazine to educate)

Flower Font 
The following is an outcome of an ethnographic research of plants around the region of Darjeeling ( Darjeeling comprises of Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong) inspired from the paper written by Josh Hartigan, University of Texas.

The intent of the project was to create awareness about the beautiful flora around the hill regions that are often taken for granted . I wanted to  inculcate  a feeling of pride and instill a desire among people to  preserve  the local beauty in the region.  The methodology used was the age old teaching technique  of for learning the alphabets but with a "floral twist" .

The font above is created in illustrator and is inspired by the works of Saul Bass. Since the alphabets were created using pieces cut and put  together, the font created above is a reflection of this method. The paper-cut methodology was used extensively by Saul Bass in many a movie title sequences that he created.

Flower Font - the magazine


Flower Font is a monthly magazine that educates people about the various flowers in the often ignored  northeast regions of India and areas of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong in creative ways. It is both  a coffee table book and a educative booklet of the region's  beautiful natural habitat. 

The 3d illustrations for the front and back of the magazine ( two issues are made as displayed below ) are  made in Adobe Dimension . Both illustrations depict flowers. 
The final compositing and the art direction for the magazine plus the mockups  are  done in photoshop.
The font used for the magazine is Sophia Pro Light. 




Flower Font 

Darjeeling has over 5000 species of plants. 
Below is a documentation of some of them, via type design.
Each letter is created with the respective flower that the letter represents ( as menioned below each type) 

A  for Azalea.  
Azelea is a flowering shrub found in Darjeelingand its neighbouring areas around spring time. These flowers are seasonal and can be seen in shades of pink , red, white and violet. 

B  for Bougainvillea.
Bougainvillea are thorny ornamental vines, bushes or trees. They are found close to areas around Kurseong  and arounf  Sikkim's Rangpo bazaar. While the most common species are found in pink, purple, orange, yellow and white. This particular letter is made with the rare blie bougainvillea.

C  for Chrysanthemum. 
Chrysanthemums are herbaceous perennial plants. They are popular in Darjeeling for their ornate looks and their fragrance. While they grow best under proper conditions, these plants are not particularly fussy and grow  quite happily with very little attention. 

D  for Dahlia. 
Dahlias grow in slightly warmer areas of Darjeeling, like the place Kalimpong. The one in the letter is the yellow pompon Dahlia, which is a globe shaped dahila that is seen in many a flower show held in the region.

E  for Echinacea.
Echinacea belong to the daisy family and are also called cone flowers.They are known for their medicinal properties and help boost the immune system.

F  for Fuchsia.
A fuchsia usually has a pendulous ear drop shape owning to which they are called "ghan-tee"( meaning bell) "phool" ( meaning flower ) in Darjeeling. These flowers come in rich tones of purple and red. The fruits of fuchsia flowers are edible , the best tasting one being of the Fuchsia splendens.

G  for Gladiolus.
Gladioluses are perennial plants that come in various colours. They can be seen in many a flower shop in Darjeeling and are most commonly  sold  as part of gifting  bouquets by shop owners here.

H  for Hydrangea.
Hydrangeas are flowering plants native to Southern and Eastern Asia. The one in the letter is the Mophead Hydrangea. These ornamental plants are seen in many living rooms around Darjeeling.

I for Impatiens.
Impatiens are seasonal flowers that grow in Darjeeling and around areas of Kalimpong. While they come in various colours the most common ones found in the region are the red and yellow species. The one used in the letter is "Impatiens glandulifera"  or the Himalayan Balsam.

J for Jasmine.
The jasmine used in the letter is Jasminum humble or the yellow jasmine. While this species is found quite often in the Himalayas, Darjeeling has a fair amount. Kept in houses or backyards for ornamental puposes, this jasmine can also be used to make tea. The flowers are an astringent and a tonic for the heart and bowels.

K for Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana  is a herbaceous plant. Some strains of this plant are medicinal in nature and can be used for treatment of ailments like rheumatism and also inflammation.

L  for Lilly.
Darjeeling is a natural home for lilies. One can find several varieties growing in home made nurseries outside modest homes. 

M for Marigold.
Marigold is known as "sai-pat-ree" in Nepali and is seen most prominently during Nepali-Hindu festivals of "dasain" . They are considered holy. 

N for Neoregelia carolina.
Neoregelia is a green leafy plant with a flash of red at its centre. They look like ribbons tied to the centre. These plants can be founf in areas of Kalimpong

O for Oxalis. 
The species used in the letter is the Oxalis trangularis or the Purple Shamrock. They have triangular shaped leaves.

P for Poinsettia.
The poinsettia is known for its large red and green foliage. The flowers of these plants are small yellow buds found at the centre of its bright red leaves. Owing to its red colour, the plant is known as " Lal-ooh-paatae" in Nepali.

Q for Quesnelia.
A Quesnelia has fircone shaped blossoms that are bright red and yellow in color. They grow in warmer areas of Darjeeling.

R for Rhododendron.
The Rhododendron is called "guraas" in Nepali and is a seasonal plant. They are found in abundance in Darjeeling and grown in the while. The ones in Darjeeling are mostly red in colour and have a sweet nectar.

S for Sonalu
Sonalu is a herbal and ornamental plant and is often referred to as the Golden Shower.

T for Tulips. 
Tulips are grown in Darjeeling around the months of April and May. One can find them especially in the Deolo Hills. 

U for Ursinia. 
Ursinia are plants in the camomile tribe within the daisy family They have bright orange-yellow petals with a sun shaped centre.

V for Violet.
Violets are perennial plants.  The most common ones are mauve in colour. While they are ornamental plants. violets can be dried and added to tea leaves to add colour to tea.

W for Wallflower.
The Wallflower or Erysium is a flowering plant of hte cabbage family. They come in shades of yellow , orange, red and can be seen blooming arounf spring time. 

X for Xeranthemum.
The Xeranthemum belongs to the sun flower family. They have purplish tubular flowers and look quite dreamin especially when seen in groups.

Y for Yarrow.
The Yarrow is a flowering plant that has medicinal qualities. It is used to cure stomach related illnesses.

Z for Zephyranthes carinata.
The Zephyranthes carinata is also known as the pink rain lilly and in truth is a native of Mexico. However this plant can be spotted in areas around Darjeeling expecially near St. Mary's Hill , Kurseong. These plants have large pink flowers and strap like leaves. 

Flower Font ( a magazine to educate)

Flower Font ( a magazine to educate)
