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Bone broth- a natural remedy for clearer skin

Bone broth- a natural remedy for clearer skin

Throughout my journey to clear up my acne, I have tried just about every option I have ever come across for glowing skin. From birth control and hormone prescriptions, spending thousands on creams and serums, a pantry full of powders and supplements, and following a strict food regimen. About a year ago, I jumped on the celery juice bandwagon for awhile, after learning about how it cleanses the liver and clears out toxins. I sort of became obsessed with the way gut health plays a role in skin health, and dove deep into doing my own research. Throughout my adventures of ingestible skin care- drinking bone broth was the stand out hero.

A quick backstory: I’ve suffered from acne since I was a teenager. I was often teased about it, and it has had a huge impact on my self-esteem.  I’ve spent so many years trying different things and have found a few successes here and there. For one, cutting out dairy and sugar have definitely helped keep breakouts at bay. When I jumped on the celery juice train, I also noticed my flare ups went down a bit, but never to the point that I felt confident with my own skin. So after a bit more research, I decided to start incorporating bone broth into my routine. I sipped one cup per day and  I noticed the benefits after only a few days. My skin felt softer, smoother, and more hydrated.
I initially started off by making my own bone broth, but realized it takes ALOT of time.  And because of the effort, I didn't exactly keep up with it. But then I recently heard a friend talking about her success with it, and it instantly reminded me of how much I missed “brothing”. 

For those who aren’t familiar with bone broth, it has a ton of benefits for the body, the literal least of which is glowing skin. Naturopathic doctors praise it for digestion, metabolism, immunity, and mood as prime examples. That being said, bone broth’s effect on the skin is pretty impressive. For one, it’s said to help the body rebuild its own collagen stores due to the amino acid content, primarily glycine and proline, which make up collagen. Bone broth even supplies the skin with natural hyaluronic acid.

But what most people praise bone broth for is its impact on improving digestion. Bone broth is packed with glutamine and gelatin, which work to heal the digestive tract and reduce system-wide inflammation. This is key for skin health, since inflammation can accelerate the breakdown of collagen. Plus, the famed Gut-Brain-Skin axis proves that a healthy gut translates to healthy skin. Thus, by improving digestion and gut health, you can also improve skin complexion. 

Of course, knowing how bone broth helps the skin is great — but what really matters is whether or not it actually works in real life. So I recently decided to put it back to the test, but this time I decided to order readily available bone broth online from Rooted Rituals, instead of making my own. Their broths are made with high quality ingredients and infused with traditional chinese herbs, and SO delicious. One thing to note, it’s important to make sure you’re using and/or buying the right kind of bone broth. First and foremost, the vitamins and minerals found in any broth come largely from the bones that are used. Using grass-fed beef bones or pastured chicken bones will yield a more nutritious broth because of how they are fed and how they live their lives.

So far, after only 5 days of having a cup of bone broth in the mornings, I have noticed an overall improvement of skin tone appearing more even, requiring less makeup and concealer.

To see improvements in your skin, you’ll want to drink at least one cup of bone broth per day, but results vary from person to person. The key is keeping consistency to see results.

Cheers to bone broth!

Bone broth- a natural remedy for clearer skin

Bone broth- a natural remedy for clearer skin


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