Perla Daher's profile

Dangerous - Charbel Rouhana

Senior project 2021
It is becoming more and more common for the Lebanese to use three different languages concurrently to express themselves. “Hi, Kifak, Cava” for instance, illustrates this trilingual expression for greeting.
My Concept is designed as follows:  "?!."
"?" denotes the questioning about using 3 languages in a small sentence.
"!" denotes how a small sentence composed from 3 words, each in a different language, gained popularity among us.
"." denotes that Charbel Rouhana in his song puts an end to this discussion by using the Hashtag #Sma3aWSami3a. This hashtag
invites people to listen to the song and make others listen to it as well. Hence, the message would be transmitted through the generations.

Vinyl Design
The white parts are cutted to show Charbel Rouhana’ facial expressions and make them obvious to the public. Each picture represents an expression of "?","!","." .
The vinyl packaging each comes with two openings, one for the CD and the other for the brochure.
First brochure for the first vinyl.
Second brochure for the second vinyl.
Third brochure for the third vinyl.
Music video lyrics
Unipole- Teasing Campaign
These unipoles illustrate the fact that the Latin letter “A” has taken the place of the Arabic letter “ة”, and that’s what makes this sentence dangerous or خطيرة, as the foreign languages are replacing the Arabic language.
Press Ad
Instagram Giveaway
Instagram Story
Instagram posts
Post 1 contains three consecutive slides.
Tableh me7tara means that the tableh is confused, not knowing which type of music (Oriental, European, American, etc.) she must play.
L Ossa Kella illustrates the questioned situation.
Khatira is the name of the album and the description answering the previous slide’s situation.
Post 2 contains three consecutive slides.
El Legha Day3a means that our language has vanished and disappeared.
Facebook page (profile picture - cover)
Facebook teasing posts
Dal3ouna menhara means that the Dal3ouna feels miserable that she's forgotten.
Website Design- Main Page
Website Advertising Banner
Led Screen
Interactive Ad
This would be placed in public places such as Malls.
This ad will be composed from 2 parts: 1st a text written in 3 different languages- English, Arabic, and French. As people from the public come and read the ad, they will be confused with the language mixing. After finishing comes the 2nd part in which 2 Polaroid pictures with the same confused facial expression would appear, accompanied with the album title Dangerous.

Interactive Flyers
Similar to "Missing People" posters. This flyer template is used here to denote that الجواب ضايع as we still don’t know why we speak like this. It will be accompanied with a barcode which, once scanned, will take you to the playlist of Rouhana.
Dangerous - Charbel Rouhana