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Logo design for Strategie Prenestine

Logo design for Strategie Prenestine

Strategie Prenestine is a lively and very active book club in Rome, born out of necessity. Rome is a big city and moving from one point of the city to the other can take quite some times. So if you are an avid reader and there's not a book club in your neighbourhood, what do you do? You made one. That is what Valentina Aversano and Carola Moscatelli did when they started Strategie.
They asked me for a logo and they asked for something that had a book (of course), a Bormioli-Rocco glass jar, that is the classic jar where every Italian granny put her hand-made marmalade or confits, and the overpass on Prenestina, that is quite a defining element of the area.
They declined the logo on everything you should need for a bookclub: membership cards, rubber stamps, pins, tote bags...  
Then the pandemic hit and every in-person meeting stopped, but they started hosting their meeting on zoom during the lockdown and now hundreds of people from all over Italy join their monthly meeting, they have a newsletter full of interesting takes on the book they read, in-depth analysis, and general silliness. Their approach is to be mindful readers but really relaxed in the way they interact with the stuff, their approach is light and humane and invita to take a chance on book you may never read on your own, invite you out of your comfort zone.
What started like a local book club is now quite a active presence: they host engaging lives talks with authors of fiction and non-fiction, they are in the press quite often talking about the power of book club as a for of connection for people, for their neighbourhood and for the debate between the editorial world and their readers. They think big and they made their ideas real. I'm in awe of them (and even a bit scared). 
Find out more on my website or on instagram
Logo design for Strategie Prenestine


Logo design for Strategie Prenestine

Logo design for Strategie Prenestine, a lively and incredibily beloved bookclub based in Rome but with members from all over Italy and beyond.
