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Course Work 
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Graphic Design Short Course
1. In the first assignment we were asked to use illustrator to create an image that represents who we are, the requirements were as follows:

"Write your name. Find ways to make your name look as interesting as possible. 
Include at least one placed raster image in the design." 

"The raster image must be a photograph of yourself, another person, animal, object, landscape, scenery, or any other image you feel is appropriate to your design. Avoid using illustrations and vectors that are saved as rasters."
2. In the second assignment we were asked to use Illustrator to create a compelling, eye-catching poster design using one of the following verses. we had to find ways to make the words convey the mood and message of the verse. We were allowed to add some drawn elements, but the main focus of the design must be on the words.  

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. 
(Mood hint: melancholy, thoughtful, sad)

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.
(Mood hint: cheeky, witty, sarcastic)

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
(Mood hint: whimsical, light-hearted, funny)

Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
(Mood hint: dramatic, intense, passionate.) 
3. In the thirst assignment we were asked to use illustrator to create an event poster, we were given a brief and had to follow the guidelines below:
"You must use more than one typeface. One of the challenges of this assignment is to test your ability to combine typefaces.

This is a type only design. The design must consist only of the letters, numbers, words, and punctuation in the original text. Do not add anything: no shapes, letters, numbers, underlines, or any other elements. Do not duplicate any of the existing text either.

You may use subtle colour gradients in the backgrounds, or effects (e.g. drop-shadow) or subtle textures, but no patterns or images.

Emphasise the personality of the text through typefaces and colour, and by changing the size and position of the type.

Do not recreate the text using Illustrator drawing tools - work with editable type and the Type Tool only. Do not "tweak" the letters by converting them to outlines and editing those vector shapes in Illustrator.

Do not add any images to the design. Do not add a border to the rectangle. Do not add decorative elements like lines, curls, flowers, hearts, spirals, etc"
4. In the fourth assignment we were asked to Improve a web page. We were given an illustrator document and had to follow the guidelines below:

"The Illustrator document contains the design for the page of a website. Your task is to improve the design and usability of this web page. Refer to the client's brief below for guidance on the new look you should create.

Create a new look and feel for the site that matches the client's brief below. This means you can remove, replace or change any of the background images, colours and typefaces.  You can also add new images and completely change the layout. 
The five photographs along the bottom of the design can be moved or resized, but they must all be included in the final design.  These photographs are part of the "content" of the page. Do not integrate them into the header, navbar, or any element that will show on every other page of this site.

Do not edit the five photographs. You can change their size or place them in frames etc., but the photographs themselves should look the same.

All words may be moved, resized, or set in a different typeface or colour, but all words in the original must be included in your final version. This includes the body copy, navbar links, page and site titles.  Note that the web page has a site title (“Southern Bikers”), as well as a page title (“The Rules”). Both of these must be in the final design.

Apply the principles of usability to create a more user-friendly page.

You may adjust the size of the artboard to suit your design."
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