The reason why we wanted to develop this topic is because it is one of the most important to know if you want to get involved in the world of fitness or bodybuilding. The success you have on your muscles and your progress in general will depend on the good management of many factors, but mainly it will depend on the type of diet you take where protein is the host and base in almost all diet regimens
What Are Proteins?
Proteins are molecules that are very essential for the organism that is in full growth and in the maintenance of its tissues , such as muscles, internal organs, skin, nails, hair, and even blood; as well as for the formation of the testosterone hormone and the different enzymes. Proteins are necessary to carry out vital functions that are more basic, such as the formation of antibodies that protect the body.
Proteins are listed as the most important nutrients that should be part of your diet and if you think about improving your body, then it is important that you know this nutrient very well. Protein can be considered as an organic element that is formed by the grouping of several amino acids (specifically, 22 amino acids form a protein), which are considered as building blocks for life itself.
These amino acids are linked together by chemical bonds and subsequently fold in different ways to establish three-dimensional structures that are very important to the body. There are two main categories of amino acids in the body . First we have the essential amino acids, which are those that your own body cannot produce and therefore, must be ingested through food.

Certain amino acids can be considered as conditionally essential, this means that your body may not produce enough in some special occasions, for example, stressful situations. Secondly, we have the non-essential amino acids, which are those that your body can generate on its own.
What Are Amino Acids?
As mentioned before, proteins are made up of linear chains of molecules that are smaller, called amino acids . There are 22 different types of amino acids that can make up plant or animal proteins.
Of these 22 amino acids, the body is capable of producing 13 of them, these are the so-called non-essential amino acids, on the other hand the 9 nine that remain are obtained from protein foods, and are popular with the name of essential amino acids.
6 Main Consequences Of A Protein Deficiency In A Bodybuilder.
The lack or absence of protein in a bodybuilder's body can cause different symptoms such as:
Low muscle mass volume.

Infection resistance would be diminished.

Energy levels through the ground.

The skin, nails and hair will be super weakened.

A slow recovery from injuries and from the destruction of the muscle micro fibrils when training.

Greater difficulty in recovering after each workout.

When generating a protein deficit, your body will use the already stored proteins, mainly those found in your muscles, in order to protect the other organs that are vitally important, such as the heart and brain. In a nutshell; without protein there is no life.
An Excess Protein In The Body Of A Bodybuilder.
Unlike what happens with fat, proteins are not stored in the body, that is why the proteins must be eliminated, since otherwise, you could suffer some metabolic alteration when presenting low pH levels, which would influence in overloading certain organs in order to protect them from these changes in pH. To put it a little more directly, an excess of proteins would affect neuronal functions, and would cause noticeable cardiovascular and respiratory damage.
How Can You Choose A Protein?
It has already been mentioned before that proteins represent one of the most vital molecules when it comes to generating body tissues such as muscles. When you start the gym, one of the most important recommendations is to increase your protein intake in order to gain greater muscle volume.
Proteins can be obtained naturally through certain foods such as fish, beef or poultry meat, as well as can be found in eggs or foods that are rich in lactose; however, when it comes to increasing muscles and then maintaining them, protein consumption rises to surprising levels, so more feasible, but less natural alternatives should be used, such alternatives can be obtained even in pharmacies .
The problem lies fundamentally in the principle that it is difficult to know which protein you should choose, that is why we are better going to explain it to you.
The Most Common Natural Proteins :
< >Albumin from the egg.The Whey.Soy.Increase muscle mass: Proteins with a high carbohydrate index.Define, tone or decrease body fat: Proteins without carbohydrates.Preserve muscle mass: Proteins with few carbohydrates.Does Excess Protein Convert To Fat? MYTH OR TRUTH?

6 Recommendations When Taking Proteins To Increase Muscle Mass.
< >You must sleep very well so that the nervous system and your muscles give them time to recover.Rest properly, especially when you do workouts with a higher intensity so that your muscles can grow.You must eat a proper diet with meals that are constant to avoid starvation and therefore, a significant loss of muscle.You must work all the muscles of your body (biceps, triceps, abdomen, buttocks, etc.) so that you can have a harmony in all your figure.You should take protein, even when you do not do any training, as it is very important to maintain muscle mass.On the days that you miss your training, try to consume as few fats and carbohydrates as possible, but continue to maintain protein.How Can You Take Protein?
To dramatically increase your muscle mass index, your body must receive at least two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, bearing in mind that this is a valid rule in people with up to twelve percent of total fat. Such a quantity of grams should be added between meals and shakes. What can be concluded from all this is that without proteins there can be no muscles, that simple.

Why Is Getting So Much Protein So Important?
In the midst of digestion, your body breaks down the protein you eat into individual amino acids, which contribute to the plasma mix of amino acids. This plasma is a reserve of stored amino acids that circulates in the blood.
This amount of amino acids in the bloodstream interact very easily with the amino acids and proteins in your cells, providing you with a supply of amino acids as needed, this is consecutively recomposed. Imagine this plasma of amino acids in the blood as if they were a free buffet from which you can eat without limit.
Since your body requires protein and amino acids to generate molecules in your body, such as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies, if you do not achieve an adequate intake of protein, what will happen is that your body will not function well.
Protein helps you replace worn out cells, it also transports different substances throughout the body and helps in your growth and repair. Consuming protein will also help you increase the levels of the hormone called glucagon, this being a key hormone for burning body fat.
It also helps to eliminate the free fatty acids found in adipose tissue, being another way to get fuel for cells through body fat.
How Much Protein Do You Need?
It will depend on many factors to determine the level of protein that is needed, one of the most outstanding is the level of daily activity that you have. A balanced recommendation is 0.8 gr per kg of body mass in novice and healthy adults . That is, a person with about 68 kg would need about 54 grams a day.

This referred amount would be the basic consumption to not have any protein deficiency in the body, however, it is also not an adequate amount for those who practice sports regularly and strongly. In the case of bodybuilding practice, this ratio should obviously be higher where your adequate protein levels would reach 1.4 to 2 grams for every kilo of body weight . In other words, a 68 kg person with strong training demands would need 95 to 135 grams per day.
To cover your daily protein dose, it is not enough to eat a 1 kg steak once a day. Your body will need your protein reserves to be replenished continuously, this means that you will need to take moderate amounts of protein at regular intervals.
Taking more protein will help you to have a better composition in your body, you will be able to look slimmer and with more muscles, will improve your immune system, your performance in bodybuilding and you will enjoy a healthier metabolism. At the same time, taking protein will help you feel more satiated and with it you will be able to better control your weight to generate impressive future results.




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