Santhosh Kumar's profile


Here is the mobile website version of CCRET Academy and this is the homepage of it. The logo goes in the top middle with the menu option(3 vertical lines) on the left that navigates the user to other pages. The colors like grey, yellow and black present in the logo are used for the contents and buttons in the website in order to stay focused on the bran color. The 3 quick action buttons like Call, WhatsApp and Message will be there in all pages throughout the website to make sure that the user finds easy to get in touch with the Company's executives. Also the user can reach the menu option from anywhere in the website as it scrolls down along with the page.
Followed by which we have other sections of homepage, with heading being big and bold, the text is aligned to fit in the page avoiding unnecessary white spaces. The buttons are colored bright with dark captions, added with the shadow effect makes it attractive to the users.
The icons are placed in a round yellow geometry with contrast colors and the short and clear description below it adds a pleasing feel to the users.
As I said earlier, the menu option can be accessed from any point of the website.
The Review section is placed in a light grey background with a carousel effect to the reviews scrolling periodically. 
The Get Free Consultation section is designed with an executive vector icon that makes easy to understand about the purpose of this section and only limited details are required to get a free consultation for the users. The mandatory fields are represented using an asterisk symbol and it has an outline button supporting the theme.
The Menu option has the other pages in the website along with a Log In icon. The options are highlighted with a Ink Blue color when selected and the X mark on the left side allows the user to close the Menu section.
The About page begins with a catchy quote with a brief description. 
The usage of vector art is a key to this theme. Multiple ideas are been delivered through a single vector illustration and finds a right place in the website.
The stripe divider is used for content separation.
The supported languages are listed in a bulletin board fashion and its left aligned to the page.
The Packages page has all the plans offered with the Best value plan being highlighted using a light red color with a badge over it , making the user to easily identify this plan. 
The features offered in the plans are listed below in a center aligned fashion with dividers separating the list of features.
The other plans are given a light gray color and the small down arrow button below the plan, expands the features of the plan when clicked.
The Contact us page has a simple form with prefilled data in it, requesting the details of the user , so that the executive may reach them with proper information about them.
The Login page has a quick action call button for free consultation followed by a Signup form allowing the new users to signup. The existing users can use the Log In option to get logged in.
The Log In page also has a option for the new users to signup and 3 different options to get logged in. The X mark on the right allows the user to close the section.
The quick call button takes the user to the Live chat window.


