EN What do we know about the history of female clowning in Brazil? This is the question that the group Nariz de Cogumelo aimed to answer in their first podcast, that they called Papo de Palhaça (Clown's Chat), launched on International Women's Day. This question was answered by eight clowns who spoke about the subject through their different perspectives over 8 episodes with interviews conducted by the group Nariz de Cogumelo.

PT/BR O que sabemos da história da palhaçaria feminina no Brasil? Essa é a pergunta que o grupo Nariz de Cogumelo buscou responder no seu primeiro podcast, o Papo de Palhaça, lançado no Dia Internacional da Mulher. Essa pergunta foi respondida por oito palhaças que falaram sobre o assunto através de suas diferentes perspectivas ao longo de 8 episódios com entrevistas conduzidas pelo Nariz de Cogumelo.
The visual identity uses typography as the main element of differentiation. The logo uses the shapes of the Gill Sans Ultrabold font as a base that was customized in a way so the letterforms acquired new meanings related to the universe that the podcast addresses. letter P seems to smile, letter A abstracts the meaning of trapeze, letter O resembles a clown's nose while also reminiscent of a voice recording icon and letter E can be seen as the stairs of a circus ring.
Design: Adson Rodrigues; Content and production: Das ÁguasAline ValadaresVic Zacconi
Papo de Palhaça

Papo de Palhaça
