Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox observational drawings using mixed medias by Sorrell Bradbury.​​​​​​​
Photo grid showing 20 developmental drawings using different materials and techniques to reference Spring Equinox Brief.
Succulents and Cacti Digital Work.
Tree roots using Fine Liner and Watercolour Pens.
Ben Lommond landscape in Watercolour and Fine Liner.
Cherry Blossom tree using Gouache.
Glasgow Green arch and cherry blossoms using Gouache and Acrylic Pens.
Rhubarb and custard tulips in Gouache and Watercolour pens.
Daffodils from different angles, Fine Liner.
Digital Daffodils with glitch effect.

Tree roots, Pencil.
Single tulip, Fine Liner.
Large leaf, Fine Liner.
Cherry Blossoms in Fine Liner, Gouache and Acrylic Pens.
Botanics scene in Acrylics
Digital roses with a splash background
Botanics Staircase, Acrylics.
Digital Mushroom Cluster 
Monkey puzzle Tree
Indian ink, Black felt tip and fine liner
Monkey puzzle seed, Digital.
Colour exploration
Water colour and fine liner.

Evaluation of Project
1. Line: What are some common drawing materials for line drawing? What were your favourites / most successful?

Most common materials for line drawing could be graphite, markers, paints, chalk or even digital explorations using app softwares. My initial reference to to line drawing are my digital dafoldis that have been repeated using an editing software but, although this isn’t my favourite. I really like my line work within the monkey puzzle tree using mixed medias to create different definition and marks.

2. Tone: What is a tonal drawing? What materials and media did you use? What was the best?

A tone is to study the different shades of light and dark in your subject. Objects are 3D so tone changes over the surface depending on where the light hits it. I used both pencil and watercolour in two separate drawing exploring tree roots. My favourite out of the two drawings definitely has to be my pencil exploration. I feel the shadows and highlights are much more prominent. 

3. Structure: What are the basic shapes used for structural drawing?

The basic shapes we used during the course of this projects were cylinders but, cubes and spheres can also be used to build structure. 

4. Proportion: What is proportion in drawing? What did you draw?

Proportion drawing describes the relationship between the dimensions of different elements and an overall composition/scale. Following along in class I drew single dafoldis, tulips and a large leaf using fine liners. I wanted to use a medium that I hadn’t used to much yet. Outside of lesson I further explored drawing tulips using gouache and watercolour pens to a intricate details.

5. Depth/perspective. What are the three (3) main perspective types in drawing?

One-point perspective, two-point perspective and three-point perspective.

6. Texture/pattern. What does texture mean in drawing? What techniques did you use?

Rather than directly copying the reference you can add your own interpretation of texture using different marks or mediums to add individual expression. I used oil pastels to explore tree trunk texture and in two seperate pieces I applied acrylic paint using natural sponges layering acrylic pen on top. 

7. Shape: What Japanese technique was used in class to describe shape in drawing? What worked out best for you?

We studied Notan which is a Japanese term which mean light and dark harmony. I really wanted to use black Indian ink for this lesson but, whilst referencing a monkey tree my Indian ink was actually brown. So using painter (digital software) I developed a monkey puzzle seed line drawing then inverted it using photoshop to create a white on black design.

8. Natural/local colour. What does natural or local colour mean? What does colour temperature mean?

Natural colour in the colour of an object in ordinary daylight whereas local colour refers to the colour wheel and their relationship. Colour temperature is how warm or cool colours can be this can affect the emotional response to a piece.

9. Media and techniques. What were the most successful media and techniques for your folio? What’s your next art exploration?

I feel I definitely found my feet digitally during this project and that I’ve definitely become more confident using this medium. I also really enjoyed the combination of using Gouache for base colour then using watercolour pens for the finer details. I really loved the subject matter of this project I definitely enjoy exploring nature and using my own images as references, I feel I’ll continue exploring this but using different mediums.
Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox
