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how to reduce loneliness in elderly people

Loneliness and  depression not only creates mental strain but also causes serious health issues. When it comes to the case of elderly people , it will be more harder.  Depression is very common in elderly people. It is because they are entering into a new phase of life , ie  from a busy person with children all around to a lonely state.  Here is some tips to help elderly people to beat depression
Stay connected with friends and family
Even if you are busy spending  all days with elderly people, you should create some time to spend with them. You  should visit them frequently.
Creates a community
Elderly people should actively get engage in many community activities. Now a days there are many recreational clubs and gatherings available.    care home providers uk   So join some community of same age group. Try to spend time with them . This will helps in beating loneliness.
Make us of new technology
Now a days technology has improved a lot and literally  every thing is available at our finger tips.  Now a days many social medias are available. Engaging in them helps in getting information about hat is happening around.  There are also many  web calling and video calling applications available. Utilise them and make calls to your dear ones and talk to them . This will also helps in reducing loneliness
Pamper your hobbies
May be you have some skills or  you have some hobbies. May be you have forgot in it your busy life or sacrifices for family. Now it is the time to take it up. Engage is various hobbies like gardening , craft works, cooking etc.      the best dementia care homes  This will also helps in reducing stress.

how to reduce loneliness in elderly people

how to reduce loneliness in elderly people


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