Art project #365daysafter is created as the art of interaction that is designed to explore the art of the 2020 crisis with a special interest in four countries – Ukraine, Croatia, Portugal and China, drawing a parallel between the influence of external factors on art and the artists themselves. How they worked during the epidemic and lockdown, how their art changed, what fuelled their work, what inspired them. We seek to explore both the positive and negative influences of Covid-19 on the art of four local contexts. All participants should be ready to interact and share their experiences with others. In addition to the exhibition, video presentations, meetings and discussions are planned.
The project will be implemented in a mixed format:
online exhibition and curated events in a virtual gallery created by “KAMSOMOL” creative agency;
offline exhibition in Kyiv (Art organization “Mokonshu”) and China (independent Institute of Contemporary Arts “Snarte Space”);
presentation of the project research results in Zagreb (Art gallery “Garage Kamba”) and Porto (Artist residency “De Liceiras 18”).
The exhibition asks artists to submit works created during 2020-2021, and to accompany their work with a Story, which in a direct way documents, analyses or comments on their experience of the pandemic year. Your creative story can take the form of a text, sound, video or even VR.
This is an opportunity offered by art organization “MOKONSHU” (Kyiv) conjointly with art gallery “Garage Kamba” (Zagreb), international artist residency “De Liceiras 18” (Porto Portugal) and independent Institute of Contemporary Arts “Snarte Space” (Nanchang, China). You can submit your work for a curated virtual show beginning on the 25s of May and with open acess for visitors from all around the World. There is no submission fee, and it is open to any media. The open call runs from the 9th and ends on the 30th of April. We will be getting back to applicants by the 15th of May.
It is open to all artists, writers, and photographers, of all ages and nationalities, residing or/and born in Ukraine, Croatia, Portugal and China.  The exhibition is totally inclusive, and we encourage anyone to submit creative work; regardless of profession, age, ability, gender, race, or anything else. International exhibition will be powered by social research that will unite four countries in conjoint investigation of pandemic influence on the art scene of Europe and Asia. Through this call, we invite you to contribute to a collective research of 365 days of isolation, by sharing your art and stories.
The project is initiated by: 
Art organization “MOKONSHU” (Kyiv, Ukraine) - association of artists, art space and a gallery. Mokonshu's activities are aimed at discovering the potential of young artists in the process of entering the art market, participating in group exhibitions and projects.
Art gallery “Garage Kamba” (Zagreb, Croatia) - exhibition space in the center of Zagreb in the courtyard of Ilica 37. It was founded in 2017 and since then Kamba functions as a pop-up gallery based on new media, interdisciplinary and ambient artistic practices.
Creative agency “KAMSOMOL” (Kyiv, Ukraine) - group of media art creators. Digital instruments and activity: organization of art events (exhibitions and projects), creation of virtual galleries, branding, marketing strategy, web-production, video-production, 3D modeling, augmented reality, digital event, virtual reality.
DE LICEIRAS 18” - experimental, independent, artist-run space located in an old residential house in the historical center of Porto, Portugal. Every month we host a group of international artists forming an ever-changing, dynamic temporary art community. It is run by the non-profit cultural association Eklipsefémero - Núcleo Artístico Independente.
Independent Institute of Contemporary Arts “Snarte Space” (Nanchang, China). Founded by artist Wang Xu in 2016, Snarte Space is an independent Institute of Contemporary Arts in Nanchang. Quickly gain visibility and reputation by discovering a new scene in the city. 
 What are we looking for?
• Artist’s who are born in, or are residents of Ukraine, Croatia, Portugal and China;
• Any media.
• Attention to the current pandemic crisis.
• Story of your art practice during the pandemic period.
• Communication language: English. For video materials, the original language of which is not English, subtitles are required.
 Submission Guidelines
You can enter up to 3 pieces
Each piece of work must be photographed in good natural lighting or scanned at a high resolution. 
3D pieces should be photographed with a relatively plain background, in good lighting, and with no distractions. 
Photography pieces should be at least 1000 pixels wide and 300 DPI.
Film, animation, theatre, performance are not limited in time, and can be shared directly from Vimeo, YouTube, Soundcloud or Google Drive, Onedrive, WeTransfer. Language: English. If the original language of which is not English, subtitles are required. 
All visual artworks should be titled. When submitting artwork, have the information of each piece written as follows: Artwork Title/Artist Name/Material Used/Medium/Year Created.

 Please use the following Google form - https://forms.gle/9iy39aPsjc7zacrp6 to upload your work and provide your information. If you will have difficulty with this application, please contact mokonshu@gmail.com 
It is possible to apply by sending us a PDF Application Form (that you need to download, complete and save as PDF file) along with your additional Files (if any) to mokonshu@gmail.com 


Project Made For

