A Postmodern Life: Sitting Places, the Aesthetic, and the Mundane
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow / out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, / you cannot say, or guess, for you know only / a heap of broken images…come in…  I will show you something different” —T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land

The majority of the images were taken in my house, focusing on “sitting places” particular to me and my life. The series is not exactly meant to be biographical or documentary, but they were taken in the span of a normal day—and on the surface do portray the progress of my day. In mind while taking these photographs: postmodern theories and the breakdown of tradition, values, faith, etc. My hope was—and is—that it will be representative of my generation and convey the emotions/ideas that we grapple with generally, as well as in these “sitting places”…as well as to infuse the mundane with aesthetic. Whether they are reduced to a self-expression or work as “types” for others, I’ll leave to the interpretation of each viewer.

In regard to colors, I focused on yellow(s) and warm colors—for the most part. I used natural lighting for all the images, those taken indoors and outdoors. Those within rooms, I used window lighting to my advantage. From a literature class, I learned that the Aesthetic movement symbolically used and had associations with the color yellow. The strong lighting and color yellow blend to give the images a moodiness and memory-like-feel.
Sense of Place


Sense of Place


Creative Fields