Tock Tick Project Design Process:

Stage 1: Empathy/POV
Problem statement: As we age, our perception of time speeds up. People need new experiences in order to slow down their perception of time and enjoy life more.
POV: Users need ways to keep their lives spontaneous because it can help slow down their perception of time to help them live a happier and more memorable life. 

Stage 2: Ideation
During this stage of the design process, we brainstormed ways our perception of time can be changed and what experiences and activities we could add to our app. Here are a few of the ideas we came up with along with our brainstorm of ideas for the name of our final product:
Stage 3: Paper Prototyping
In this stage, we created paper prototypes of our ideas, tested them, and got feedback on them in order to be able to create our final prototype.

Stage 3: Digital Prototyping
During this stage, we created digital prototypes in Adobe XD using the ideas and feedback we received from creating and testing our paper prototypes. 
What about the idea is successful? 
It is a simple design that is easy to understand and follow.
What is less successful? 
Since it is so simple, it could use more. It would also need a lot of color to make it pop. I also used the IPad template when I should have used the IPhone template to show that it is an app. 
What changes can you make in the future to be more effective? 
Change it into an app.. Add more color and make the template the IPhone template. Also make a better home page that gives more description into what the app is/does.
What did you learn about how your idea was perceived?
It was perceived as more of a document rather than an app but they enjoy the overall concept.

What about the idea is successful? 
It is easy for users to use and understand what it supposed to happen
What is less successful? 
It looks boring and is not super motivating, the calendar doesn't really flow or make sense compared to the other features and the overall purpose of the app
What changes can you make in the future to be more effective? 
Add more creative designs and something to encourage users to keep on using it, take out the calendar
What did you learn about how your idea was perceived?
I learned that people like the concept but they want something to motivate them to keep using it
What about the idea is successful? 
The design is simple and easy for users to use
What is less successful? 
First screen doesn’t explain what the app is and the concept is a little confusing. Additionally there are not many options available for the user to select from
What changes can you make in the future to be more effective? 
Include a main page or something in the app that tells the user what the app is for (finding new activities)
What did you learn about how your idea was perceived?
The prototype was perceived as not being creative with new ideas of activities to do
What about the idea is successful? 
I think the layout in this prototype was successful. It is easy to follow and leads to more options. It would mayne work better if the “Time Frame” page was closer to the beginning!
What is less successful? 
Like I said above, I think having the time frame at the end won’t be as successful as putting it in the front. With it being in the front, you’ll be able to have more context when you choose your activity.
What changes can you make in the future to be more effective?
In the future, I think it could be a lot more organized. Again… changing the order of the slides could result in a better app (e.x. The time frame page)!
What did you learn about how your idea was perceived?​​​​​​​
I learned a lot about how our viewers will be going through our app: what order, what activities they are more prone to… what they don’t like etc. I also learned how this will motivate people to keep doing what they love when they are bored/being lazy.
What about the idea is successful?
It has a simple questions with simple answers so the user won’t be confused. 
What is less successful?
There are too many time options which could overwhelm the user. 
What changes can you make in the future to be more effective?
A more lively design with less time options will make the user feel more at ease when using the app. Bright colors and simple questions makes for a super relaxing experience.
What did you learn about how your idea was perceived?
I learned that when it comes to an everyday use app, the simpler the model, the better the experience. Having less options is great as long as they cater to everyone’s needs. A fun design makes users feel excited and motivated to use the app.
Stage 5: Final Product
Our final product is an app called Vibe Board. Vibe Board is an app that is meant to encourage users to change up their daily lives by making it easy to find new activities and experiences. By using this app, users will not be stressed about wasting their time anymore because they will be busy trying new things. Vibe Board will help users enjoy their lives and feel like time is passing them slower by creating an illusion of a longer life by encouraging them to experience more things. 
Tock Tick

Tock Tick
