Icmanekineko *'s profile

Environmentalist collages

Under the Sea
Under the Sea is a snapshot of the future that awaits us if we keep on ignoring climate change warnings. Unless we act dramatically and fast, the future of an Earth best by floods and other cataclysms isn’t distant anymore, but as soon as 12 years away. Our fate and our futures are inextricably connected with the land, and this crisis not only requires personal change, but also larger systemic change.
Mother Nature
“Mother Nature” celebrates my personal connection I feel with the Earth and the many ancient and continuing traditions that revere female spiritual incarnations of the Earth. Unfortunately our society values neither women nor nature, and the environment became something to be exploited, transformed, and used for profit. Both women and nature are expected to be perpetually available to the white man, and to be accepting and accommodating of his desires.
Environmentalist collages


Environmentalist collages
