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Designing Advertisements - Locally Lush

The advertising medium used for this ad is print advertising or banner ads. I designed this ad with the aspect of fresh and clean eating and all whole foods. The importance of his basket is that all of the different ingredients in them all come from the farmers market and they’re all super fresh and prepared nicely to create a quick in class eating experience. The focus on that farm to table and really goes to show their brand identity. we connect this with the archetype and brand identity and aspect that we want to create this easy go to food service and meal prep that is super accessible as well as healthy and creates a better lifestyle with all local and healthy foods. With this photo we went with a green that matches the locally lush logo and I think I just made a white letter pop a little bit more and also looked really good against the word background. I think this really matches with the target market as well because a lot of the parents that’ll be making these meals and coming to buy them are looking for something that’s really healthy and has a lot of fresh ingredients and this photo shows all these fresh ingredients at your home. I think as well as idea of the fresh ingredients the idea of it being fast and simple but keeping a healthy mindset and all local foods from at least 50 miles or less is super important to many people. The people were trying to target will enjoy this ad because it focuses on the idea of all fresh from a local farmers market near you.
The advertising medium for this ad is for direct mail and could also be used in a magazine. I designed the ad with the idea of referring a friend on our website to get your next basket on us. This helps almost as a promotion for our company and helps bring in a lot of new clientele. The focus on this is that if we get say 500 referrals that’s 500+ new customers on top of the 500 that referred them. As well as word of mouth about this is awesome because the person who refers a new friend gets to talk to them and share their experience with them. This ad i focused on adding the logo with just the two Ls. Because I knew we would have the website and Instagram at the bottom with locally lush typed out. I chose this photo of a family making and eating food together to show the focus and idea of our company. I used a simpler colored photo so the green in the logo would pop out more. I made the “refer a friend and get you next basket on us” bolded and bigger so your eye would focus on that. I then added the “learn more” with details at the bottom so they would have access to our social media platforms and website. This connects to our target audience and the idea of easy healthy but on the run meals. We want them to see the idea of family focused meals but quick, on the go but also can be a whole family affair and focused on having a good night cooking together. This follows the brand archetype with the idea of ruler and how we bring the structure and planning aspect to the everyday crazy busy life of these families. We achieve this by helping the consumers stay making healthy choices but have a more structured and planned out way. This follows its visual cues with the colors and general aspect of our company. This ad also follows well with our brand identity and focus of our company.
The advertising medium for this ad is definitely for print advertising primarily. This is an ad you would see a lot at local grocery stores or at different stores or brands we will partner with that will be a great way to get more customers by offering this 20% off your first basket. It is also really helping show diversity and inclusivity because by lowering the price of the first basket we make the price of the first basket really cheap and accessible for many different people. The price with the 20% off is reciprocated to a $15 family meal so it is really accessible and easy.  With this ad I used a few different techniques to create focus and vocal point I used a knockout with the white font on the green as well as the white font on the black boxes. This just helped bring the consumers I do the things we want them to focus on. With this 20% off incentive, we can bring our target market to all families and people near us. We connect this with the archetype and brand identity and aspect that we want to create this easy go to food service and meal prep that is super accessible as well as healthy and creates a better lifestyle with all local and healthy foods.
Designing Advertisements - Locally Lush

Designing Advertisements - Locally Lush
