Daily UI Challenge

Daily UI challenge is an assignment designed especially for UI/UX designers. The main goal of it is to create certain user interfaces which resonate visually with their content. When I was working on this project I tried my best to create various kinds of user interface surfaces with minimalistic and user friendly design on it.

Made by: Kovács Réka (rkagraphics)
Consultant: Szemmelroth Balázs (@szemmelroth_balazs)
Made at the Media and Design Department, Visual Arts Institute, Eger, Hungary

Készítette: Kovács Réka (rkagraphics)
Konzulens: Szemmelroth Balázs (@szemmelroth_balazs)​​​​​​​
Készült a Média és Design Tanszéken, a Vizuális Művészeti Intézetben, Egerben

Daily UI Challenge