INORDINARY STATIONERY / in a world without circles


To replace the rolling mechanism to dispense the tape, we came up with a turning mechanism where users can turn and adjust the dispenser to the required length before tearing the tape.


The dispenser can also be taken apart to replace the roll of tape and also for compact storage purposes.
The tape cutter piece can be taken apart with the use of dowel joinery and the tape cutter piece 
can be attached to the tape piece with dado joinery 


To replace the pencil shaving in a circular rotation, the pencil is sharpened by shaving 
it with a linear motion against the blades.

We also added a pin to secure the blade, to allow for easy exchange of blades when it gets blunt.


We adopted the archetype of a regular scissors with a redesigned pivoting mechanism. 
 To replace the blade rotating around a circular pivot, we came up with a v mechanism. 

The scissors would also come with a case because the scissors would be open by default.


With that, we present to you our set of stationery in a world without circles!


INORDINARY STATIONERY / in a world without circles