This story is about the obsession every human has for their mobiles.
As you see in this story a young man is walking on the footpath but his focus is on his mobile. his eyes n other parts of face is invisible to show that he is not conscious about his surroundings. So while walking he hurts many people including an old lady. But when he gets hurt by another mobile obsessed person  he gets back his consciousness.

This is a practice work.
A boy is sitting on his bed and he is very focused for doing something and his room is very messy. Finally he has made it and its a card house. Suddenly the door is opened and the chair that was in front of it is pushed by it and it destroys the card house. The uncle of the boy enters into the room. He scolds the boy for keeping his room dirty and tells him to clean it while he goes and returns from his work. When he leaves the room the boy picks a book from his study table and puts it on the bookshelf. Then he hears the sound of shutting the main door. He gets excited as his uncle is not in the house and he can play again. But he soon realizes that he has to clean the room also. So he began to think what should do now

This storyboard is about a funny commercial advertisement of a chewing gum.
Three friends are shown here in the middle of a dessert like area. Each of them are very thirsty. Suddenly they see three village women carrying water in their clay pots. They approaches to them and ask for water to drink. But after drinking the water they say its hot. The ladies reply that this is only what they have. Then one of the friend started to chew a mint chewing gum and leave a cool breathe towards the water pots to make it cool. But when he looks at his friends he sees his friends are frozen also because of the cool breathe. And then the text pops out. 


