What do you think when you are making something? Perhaps you think about what the audience will think? What will the audience feel? Maybe what the product means to you and how you identify with the primary goal? Or perhaps you just do it because you want to? Regardless of the reason, what is impressive is that every project you create connects you to a different audience. Connection is why I fell in love with photography and videography in the first place. Have you noticed that we pull out our phones and share what is going on at every single significant event in our lives? It’s because we want to show the world through images and videos that we have created to give them our perspective on what is going on in our lives and connect them to it. Because we are a make and do society rather than a sit back and watch society, we constantly want to show off our talents like the little boys in my Hip Hop class, or we want to create events like the BLM Protest in Clemson over the summer to connect and speak our mind and stand up for what we believe in. Or we want to share sweet memories like I did with my friends when we go back and watch videos to reminisce on our trips. And even just to document the precious moments like I did with the preschoolers in my ballet class.

By creating, we are connecting, we are documenting moments, and sharing them with the world. As naturally social people, we were made to create. If anything, to connect. The connection starts with understanding your own creativity and finding your drive to make and share what you want. You can't just create to create, though. It would help if you were happy with your creativity and the community that surrounds you and supports you. This being said, you don't only have to share the good moments in your life. Sharing misfortune can be  equally as important for yourself and your audience. What matters is that you are are okay with sharing your work and making your mark in the world. Because, you shouldn't be embarrassed by your work. If anyone is judging you for what you have created, they don't understand it anyway and are only hurting themselves because they don’t want to learn why you created what you created. At least you got out there to try it. I say this because, we may only be in our twenties, but we can change the world.

Finally, make sure you find a type of media that you enjoy. Any media. So, I prefer creating videos and taking pictures. Every small snippit you've seen in this video has been a part of another video I have made to remember moments with my family or friends on trips we've taken or they've been videos standing up for what I believe in. However, for you, it may be legos, video games, blogging, or DIY'ing. What is important is that it is uniquely yours whatever you are doing, you are doing it because you chose it. And finally, make sure you are doing it yourself. We are no longer a culture that sits back and watches. We make and do because we realize and understand that we can change our lives and voice our creative opinions. So what is stopping us? Connecting is only what we make of it. 

Making is Connecting

Project Made For

Making is Connecting
