Spinal Exam Toledo OH
How A Spinal Exam Helps In Vibrant Health
Many people avoid routine medical care visits and routine chiropractic adjustments, such as a spinal exam. However, if you are suffering from persistent problems with sleep, urination or pain while sitting, a Spinal Exam Toledo OH may be the answer. It can help your doctor find the cause of your problems, which will in turn lead to a diagnosis and possible treatment. A full spinal examination is often recommended for patients who suffer from chronic pain or other health issues. This test is usually done to rule out problems that could be more serious than they appear to be. A full spinal examination will reveal any problems with the spine or the surrounding nerves, so your chiropractor will develop the appropriate corrective plan for your specific situation.
Chiropractors perform a spinal examination to find out what is happening in your back and spine. The main purpose of this exam is to discover any irregularities in the spine that could be causing muscular, neurological or structural imbalances. Chiropractors use diagnostic tests, such as x-rays, MRI scans and electroencephalogram (EEG) tests to detect problems that may not be obvious at first glance. They also take time to examine the soft tissues along the spine, including the muscles and tendons. Sometimes, the only way to determine the condition of the spine is through an examination.

During your chiropractic appointment, your chiropractor will likely ask you to lie on your stomach. He/she will then manually rotate and flip the front of your body. This procedure is called spinal manipulation, and it is designed to reduce stress on the spine. A chiropractor's goal is to restore motion to affected nerves or to strengthen the spine and encourage proper movement.

In order to understand how spinal manipulation can reduce or eliminate back pain, you must know how the nervous system and the spine work together. The nervous system is responsible for your emotions, memory, vision, hearing and movement. Spinal manipulation works with the spine and the nervous system to help maintain and promote health. If your chiropractor does a spinal exam, he/she will identify problems within the nervous system before treating the spine.

Nerves are the extensions of the nervous system and travel throughout the body. When trauma occurs, such as a pinched nerve, the spinal cord gets pinched causing pain, weakness and other symptoms. Chiropractors are trained to locate herniated spinal nerves and restore proper movement. If a spinal cord is intact, the chiropractor will then apply adjustments to help relieve back pain.

Before a chiropractor performs a spinal screening, it is important to be examined by a licensed physician. A physician can examine you for conditions such as degenerative disc disease and osteoporosis. You may also be asked about medications you are taking, whether or not you smoke and your current health status. You will undergo a full physical examination, x-rays and blood tests. It is important to have your spine screened before you begin treatment.

After a spinal screening, your chiropractic care provider will make a referral to an orthopedic surgeon if the spine's discomfort or other symptoms do not subside. Your treatment plans will be determined by your medical condition and the referral. Chiropractors perform spinal adjustments in a comfortable office setting. Spinal manipulations are safe and are painless. Read on to learn how chiropractors provide spinal manipulation and how they administer spinal screening.

Spinal manipulation is the best approach for healthy spinal alignment and optimum nerve interference. Chiropractors are trained to locate and treat problematic spinal nerves. With this form of treatment, patients are treated for chronic low back pain, pinched nerves, neck pain, headaches, migraine headaches, tennis elbow, arthritis, whiplash, and many other neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Spinal adjustment provides effective chiropractic care for a person's entire body. With healthy back alignment and optimal nerve interference, your body can enjoy a healthy lifestyle, including vibrant health.
Spinal Exam Toledo OH

Spinal Exam Toledo OH


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