Frog and Cat
For this animation, I wanted to make a memory of my friend's cat. Her cat ran away recently, and I wanted to create something for her to remember him. I have her cat watching the frog hop across the sidewalk. 
Step 1: Sketching/Ideation
For this project, drafting was more difficult that I thought it would be. I have never animated anything before, so the ideation stage was a bit more difficult than it usually is. I also had trouble coming up with how I wanted my story to go. I originally planned to include more movement in it, but I quickly realized that would get way too busy. 
Step 2: Drafting
Making a draft was also a lot more difficult than I originally thought it would be. I went through a bunch of different drafts. This is the only one that I have saved. I also found it was more difficult than I thought to organize all of the layers in Illustrator so that they would nicely transfer to After Effects. That took a couple of tries until I got everything where I needed it to be. 
Step 3: Animating
This really took sometime. I really enjoyed learning the software though! I learned a lot more than I thought I would. I enjoyed playing around with seeing how I could make everything move, and make other separate compositions move around them. It just took me a while to figure out which movements I wanted to keep, because they looked the nicest. 
Step 4: Final
Frog and Cat

Frog and Cat
